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Hidden Assets in Divorce Litigation St. Louis

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Hidden Assets in Divorce Litigation St. Louis

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Discover Hidden Assets With An Experienced Divorce Attorney

If you are involved in a divorce, the law is clear that you have a right to a fair share of marital property. To make sure that you receive all the assets to which you are entitled, it is important to work with a team of lawyers who can locate and value property, including hidden assets.

At Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal P.C., we act aggressively on behalf of our clients to find assets that are hidden by a spouse. We often rely on a network of independent accounting professionals, private investigators and business valuation experts to uncover hidden marital assets across the United States and even overseas. When you come to us, you can be confident that our St. Louis and Clayton, MO family law attorneys will do everything possible to find and recover hidden property.

To schedule an initial consultation with an experienced St. Louis hidden assets attorney, please call 314-727-2266, toll free 888-766-9714 or contact us online.

Helping Clients Get Fair Treatment

Hiding assets from a spouse is an old and common trick, especially in high asset divorces. But spouses in more typical divorces may also hide assets, making accurate property division, alimony and child support determinations much more difficult. We will use our resources to help find assets hidden in a variety of places, such as:

  • Offshore bank accounts
  • Business accounts
  • Deferred compensation accounts
  • Stock options

Covering All the Bases

We have 12 lawyers in our family law department, and many more who handle corporate law, estate planning and taxation. This wide variety of experience allows us to serve clients without the need to send them to other professionals. In many divorces, other areas of law become very important, and we collaborate to provide efficient, cost-effective service to our clients.

Contact Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C.

If you have questions about complex property division issues or you are concerned that your spouse may be hiding assets to avoid a fair division, we can help. To schedule a consultation, please call 314-727-2266, toll free 888-766-9714 or contact our law firm online. We serve clients across Missouri.

Hidden Assets Divorce Attorneys

Amy Hoch Hogenson

Lisa G. Moore

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