Child Custody Attorneys
Child custody orders are always subject to modification by the court. However, the standard required to modify a custody order previously entered is different from the standard the court uses to make its initial custody determination. The custody order made at the time of the divorce or paternity determination is based only on what is in the best interest of the child. After that initial custody order is entered, the court can only modify it based upon evidence demonstrating a significant change of circumstances since the original order was entered, or based on evidence that the court was unaware of at the time of the original judgment. The change in circumstances can only relate to the custodial parent or the children, not the non-custodial parent. However, a change of circumstances alone is not enough; the court must be convinced that a modification of custody is in the child’s best interest.
If the same judge who decided your initial custody order is still a judge at the time the motion to modify custody is filed, you are not entitled to request a different judge.
Modifications of custody are very complicated legal proceedings that require experienced attorneys. The St. Louis and Clayton, MO family law attorneys at Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C. have handled hundreds of modifications of custody and can assist you in every step of the process.
This content was written by: Alisse C. Camazine