Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal sets itself apart as a leader in the field of mental health. We are an advocate for individuals with mental illness. We work with dedicated social workers and together, we are highly respected in the mental health community for our knowledge, acceptance and compassion. Debra Schuster long ago set herself apart in the field of Guardianship and Conservatorship and stands as a tireless advocate for those with behavioral hospitalizations, facility stays and home-based care. In some instances, our mental health clients find more comprehensive care and a more holistic approach through life care planing. With life care planning, our clients are provided the legal advocacy and representation they need while benefitting from care coordination to increase and maintain their independence in the community. No matter the diagnosis, our firm is a safe place for mental health clients who often feel forgotten and misunderstood.
We find that our mental health clients are often comforted by the presence of our therapy dog.