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How to Handle Allegations of Child Sex Abuse

By July 24, 2012July 21st, 2023Abuse, Susan Block Featured

By Susan E. Block

Child sex abuse is in the headlines: college football coaches, priests, step-parents and siblings. It is everywhere. Perhaps this abuse has increased, more likely it is just reported more.

What should you do when child sex abuse becomes an issue for you? When the Children’s Division comes calling or when the police show up at your door? When you and/or your spouse or significant other is the focus of an investigation?

You need the advice of an experienced lawyer to decide when and if you should give a statement to the authorities, whether or not you should permit them to interview your child, other family members and whether or not it would be important to have a lawyer present to represent you.

Sometimes the involvement of a criminal defense lawyer will be necessary; other times a family law lawyer with expertise in the area of juvenile and abuse law will suffice and present more of a measured approach. At some point you may need both.

This is not a time to go it alone. Whatever actions you take or statements you make at the initial part of the investigation will affect how the matter gets resolved. Be sure you are well represented.


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