“But, Mom, we already had turkey at Dad’s house. Do we really have to eat it again now?”
I don’t know of any scientific studies about the recommended levels of turkey consumption, but I do know that children are often asked to participate in dual holiday meals on the same day! Divorced parents of children who are dividing up Thanksgiving Day might stop and think of their children’s appetites before making their own meal plans, which could very well lead to a kinder and more joyous celebration for everyone.
If Dad’s family traditionally eats a turkey dinner at mid-day, then maybe it would be more appropriate for Mom’s family to have a lighter fun meal later in the evening. Maybe one parent can make a new tradition of having a pot luck with friends and family for leftovers on Friday. Anything that reduces the tension that children feel on these “special” days is a plus in their feeling loved and honored; and making new traditions and memories is an excellent by-product.
Children and both of their families will benefit from sharing the things they are grateful for: food, family, friends and respect. Gratitude comes in limitless (and non-fattening) portions.
If both parents coordinate and give a little, their children can truly have a thankful day. You may even create a new tradition your kids will brag about at school.
For this or any other family law issue, please contact one of the attorneys at Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C..