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Tackling the fear of the unknown in 3 easy steps

By November 10, 2011July 21st, 2023Divorce

When you are faced with a divorce or legal separation, almost all anxiety comes from the fear of what the future will bring. Will I get to keep my house? Will I have to move? Where will I move? Can I live on one salary? It all adds up to one large looming fear: can I make it on my own?

I am here to tell you: yes you can. It is easier said than done, but it’s also easier to tackle than you may think. First things first. The biggest concern I have seen in most people is their fear about where they will live if they have to move out of their house. So Step 1: take 5 minutes and look online to see what’s available and what you can afford. Step 2: look around your house and determine what it is you would take with you if you needed to. Step 3: grab the bills and find out how much it would cost each month to start your “what if” budget (“What if I lived here on my own?” “What if I moved to a new place?”. Do these 3 things and all of the sudden, in just an hour or two, you have a “what if” budget for your “what if” house filled with your “what if” furniture. Now breathe. It’s going to be hard because it’s going to be new, but that doesn’t mean it will be bad or wrong or terrible. It just means life is taking you someplace you may not have seen coming. But you can plan for it. You can take the fear out of the unknown. You can make your “what if” scenario your back-up plan. You can gather your friends and gather your strength and you can get through this. The question is: can you do this on your own? The answer is: yes, and the power is all yours.


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