I give a lot of advice as an attorney. People come to my office with problems and ask for solutions or a least a map of possibilities of what’s to come. So I listen to problems and I provide my best opinion, but the one thing I have to remind people is that the best thing they can do is help me help them.
Everyone has issues in their marriage, just as everyone has issues in their divorce. Some issues or problems are bigger than others, some make the path murky, others just cloud the way slightly. It could be infidelity or gambling, drug use or alcoholism. It could be calling names or putting the children in the middle. It could be detachment or unhappiness. People get divorced for many reasons, but one thing to remember is that your attorney can give you as much advice as you want, you still have the responsibility to take it.
Now no one is perfect and the end of a marriage is not easy, but it can be easier if you make good choices and keep your wits about you. Sometimes that will be harder than others, sometimes you will make mistakes, but remember to be honest and forthright with those trying to help you. Because we do our best when we work together, when advice given is taken to heart. For a time your life may be turned upside down, but following the advice of those on your side, helping us help you, makes the time of your divorce just a little easier to bear.