By: Alisse Camazine
During these trying times, we are all concerned about keeping our children safe. Many of us are scared and our children are as well. Children are creatures of habit, and these disruptions in our lives and theirs are upsetting and confusing. One thing to keep in mind as you are navigating a custody exchange at this time: please do your best not to make things any more difficult for your children.
We suggest and we believe the courts will enforce that, barring extraordinary circumstances, you need to follow the court order for custody provisions in effect in your case. Parents should transfer their children as though school is in session.
If you believe there are extraordinary circumstances and that by following the custody order, you or your family will be in danger, you should contact your attorney and not make that call on your own. Don’t deny your children the right to see both parents. We understand there may be situations that put your children and family at high risk. Please contact us so that we can discuss how to handle these circumstances.
Things to keep in mind in all cases: Be reasonable in working together. See if you can FaceTime or Skype with the other parent. Come up with a safety plan in case one parent is exposed or tests positive. Some parents may need to work overtime or some not at all. Some are working from home. These are difficult times and it is best for the children if parents can figure out a way to adjust schedules by agreement. It will also make the parents’ lives a little easier.
For questions about these or other family law issues, please contact one of the family law attorneys at Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C.